Experience a playful flow with other bodies through Contact Improvisation Dance

Discover the most beautiful way to move with another body and soul, a pleasurable fusion of flowing, rolling, flying, laughing, and much more.

Safe Space

Experience a supportive and nurturing environment where you can explore Contact Dance freely and without judgment.


Learn the essential techniques of Contact Dance from our skilled instructors, who will guide you through the fundamentals.


Cultivate mindfulness and awareness in each moment of the dance.


Rediscover the joy of movement and spontaneity through playful exploration.

Book a Contact Dance Workshop

You want to organize a Contact Dance Workshop? Or maybe you want us to create an experience for your community? Please reach out to us to submit your request!

Contact Improvisation Essentials


Start Today


Contact Improvisation Essentials - Start Today -

Contact Improvisation Essentials
One time

This workshop provides a safe space to explore Contact Improvisation on the levels of technique, presence, and play. The holistic approach aims to help you connect deeply with yourself and others through movement. Whether you are an absolute beginner or a researcher looking for new perspectives, this workshop will help refine your technique and teach you how to flow with other bodies.

✓ Learn wherever, whenever, however & with whomever you want
✓ Membership access to watch videos over & over again
✓ music playlist for your Contact Dance (spotify/youtube)
✓ 12+ Video lessons
✓ 78min content
